
Listed below are local places of worship in the City of Archie.  If your religious location is not listed and you would like for it to be included on this website, simply give us a call and we will be happy to add it to the list below.


Fellowship Church
302 South Missouri Street
Archie, MO 64725

At Fellowship Church, our heartbeat is to fulfill our part of the Great Commission by living for the good of the community, the glory of Christ, and the salvation of all. We do this so that every person would engage with the God-given purpose for which they were created and redeemed. Come join us at:
9:30AM - Sunday School
11:00AM - Service

Evangel Church
620 E. Pine Street
Archie, MO 64725
View Website

Evangel Church in Archie is a family-friendly and relevant church. Services at Evangel Church are engaging, dynamic, and geared toward the entire family. You can expect a relevant, Bible-centered message and a live band that will help you connect with God.

Archie United Methodist Church
204 W. Chestnut Street
Archie, MO 64725